Suffering to Reign; Enduring for Promotion

Walking this Christian road is filled with many land mines: deceit, persecution, pain, grief, loss, abandonment, heartache, suffering, lies, sin, treachery, hardships, torture and much, much more. Only through a relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, our role model on how to overcome the trials and tribulations of this existence, are we ableContinue reading “Suffering to Reign; Enduring for Promotion”

Feel Free To Course Correct

The mercy of God is free for the asking! It is never too late or too soon to reverse course if you get sidetracked, distracted or off God’s path to eternity! His Grace is sufficient to cover all of your sins! You must merely part your lips, swallow your pride, ask for forgiveness, and humbleContinue reading “Feel Free To Course Correct”