A Word From Brother Julius

God’s great miracles and exploits will not cease in your life.

You will move from one level of glory to a higher level. Every harassment in your and your household’s lives, I command it to stop now in Jesus Christ. Amen!!!

Every nightmare aimed at terminating your and your household’s lives will backfire and any portion in your or your household’s body that is infected with diseases will be cleansed today with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen!!!

The Lord will help you to live righteously so that the devil will not gain access into your life to manipulate your destiny.

Your way of life will not open the door for the devil to come in in the Might Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!!

Have a day full of jubilation with song’s of victory of hallelujah of Dominion with glory ahead and Great Turn Around in Jesus Christ. Amen!!!

Published by mrsolakunleoluwole

A woman of God, wife, NAACP Game Changer recipient, NJ Senate Award, NJ Board of Commissioners, Senators Corey Booker and Kim awardee, US House of Representatives awardee, National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. President’s award recipient, Secretary of the VA awardee and mother just seeking His face and to do God’s Will while spreading The Word of God. My husband, Olakunle, who writes the blog “To God Be The Glory — Fellowship of Praise,” and I pray to be a blessing to the men and women of God who read the blogs, and through my witness, and sharing of God’s Word. Amen 🙏🏽

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